Movie Mania- "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"

Whitt's Review-

Hold on to your seats Movie Maniacs... this is going to be a bumpy review! After the 2007 blockbuster hit- "Transformers"- Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox are back for the sequel. This time around... well your guess is as good as mine. The movie's conflict seems to start too early, which gives us no time to understand the plot line. That is, if there was a plot line. With a fan base of 14 year old boys, it's obvious that non-stop action and Megan Fox was perfect! Well, being a 14 boy, I found that neither one was very interesting. I became numb to all of the violence and Megan Fox wasn't all that great either. The best performance came from Julie White, who played Shia's character's mother. Other than her, there was really no acting in the film at all. I enjoyed the first movie a lot better... mainly because it was all new and exciting, where this time around it was all familiar!

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