Ice Age is back... can you believe it? This time it's "Dawn of the Dinosaurs" and even after two previous movies, Scrat is still chasing down his acorn! I found out about this third installment last summer, but never understood why it was necessary to have another one! They can't just keep bringing in new characters and think that will give the franchise a new boost of energy! The new characters in this movie did not join the original Ice Age family though, which leads me to believe we've seen the last of these characters! That's a relief after this one! The movie didn't feel like a movie to be honest! It felt as if it were a TV show! Besides the point of a weak plot, the movie had inappropriate humor that some parent would not appreciate! I think that the first Ice Age was the best of the three, they need to stop while they're ahead!
I didn't even know there was a new Ice Age movie coming out. Then again, I've never seen the first one. I wish Lydia had pointed out that The Bad Seed isn't a comedy. Sure, some of the overacting is kind of comical by our standards, but it's actually a psychological thriller about a kid who kills people. If you guys don't think the new Ice Age should be marketed to kids, I don't think the Bad Seed should be either.