December Movie Trailer Reel

We check out the trailers for Disney's "The Princess and the Frog", "Avatar", and "Alvin and the Chimpmunks: The Squeakel"!

"Skyrunners" Review!

"Skyrunners" is the first ever "Disney XD" original movie! The "Disney XD" channel was launched back in February in hopes of gaining a male audience. With shows on the "Disney Channel"- such as "Hannah Montana"- that are mostly geared toward girls, "Disney XD" features shows and movies that are mainly geared toward young males. Now this movie stars an already "Disney XD" star, Kelly Blatz from the hit show "Aaron Stone"! Kelly plays Nick, a nonchalant high school senior who sleeps in only boxers! His younger brother, Tyler (played by Joey Pollari), is just a freshman who hasn't quite hit puberty and still sleeps in pajamas! One night, while driving home, these two teenage boys come across a UFO! Oh yes, now you see where this is going! At this point in the movie, I was still thinking, well this could turn out to be "okay"... maybe I was wrong! Now once the boys take home the UFO and manage to hide it from their mother, the media, and secret agents of some sort, Tyler takes it for a spin in space! (Oh my word!!! A teenager in space!!!) Now of course, since he is just hitting puberty and went into space, some sort of weird superhuman abilities are thrust upon him! He grows taller, gets hairier, and his voice even changes! Sounds like normal male puberty to me! But did I mention this all happens overnight! (Gasp!) And let's not forget that he also can hear others thoughts! At this point in the movie, everything seems to be focusing on the most disturbing word in the English language... PUBERTY! But, not for long... because there are all of a sudden aliens among us! Yes, the most realistic looking aliens that I have ever seen in my entire life are going to destroy the world! (That was all very sarcastic by the way! Except for the part about these aliens destroying the world!) So, the brothers somehow destroy all of the aliens with a bomb of some sort... or so they thought... but I don't want to ruin the ending! Anyway, this movie wasn't good! Although it wasn't terrible, the ages that will be watching this movie will find it to be way too awkward, due to the fact puberty is mentioned so many times! I think this would have made a much better "Teen Nick" movie for the teenage "Nickelodeon" channel, for teens can handle all the aspects of puberty while younger kids (let's say ages 6 to 11) probably wouldn't understand or would feel very uncomfortable... I think I even felt a little uncomfortable! SKIP IT!!!

"The Twilight Saga: New Moon"

It's the movie that everyone has been waiting for... but was it any good? After the mega-hit movie, "Twilight" based off of Stephanie Meyer's bestselling novel, the sequel - "New Moon" - has been on high anticipation for quite some time. Now "Twilight" didn't quite hit the 5 star point for many people, including myself, but "New Moon" is a different story (no pun intended)! Not only was I anxious to see this, but I was excited! Just by the trailer you can tell that this time around, they stepped everything up a notch! A new director, a new budget... a big budget, and a few new additions to the cast that make it even more appealing! This movie was simply AMAZING! I know that sounds weird for how low expectations were from a lot of critics, but this was just a 100 times better than "Twilight"! The biggest difference being- the special effects! "Twilight" captured the more artistic side to the story, but this time that wasn't the case! The acting was better, the special effects were better, the whole movie in general was just better! Just take my word for it!

Disney's "A Christmas Carol"

Charles Dickens' timeless tale of an old miser who must face Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet-to-Come, as they help to bring kindness to his otherwise cold heart. The Ghosts remind him of the man he used to be, the hard truth of what the world is today, and what will happen if he does not strive to be a better... man. Set around Christmas, the most joyous day of the year, Scrooge realizes the sharp contrast of his own personality.

November Movie Trailer Reel

We check out the trailers for Disney's "A Christmas Carol", "2012", and the highly anticipated, "Twilight Saga: New Moon"!